hi all!
this post will be brief but i wanted to introduce you all to my musical persona, stella333. this will be the name i’ll be using for all music-related endeavors going forward. it has a higher meaning that will be revealed in due time, but i’ll start by linking my first-ever mix, deep cuts vol. 1! i’ve made plenty of playlists and even hosted a radio show in college but live mixing is new to me. subscribers got a preview of this mix last month (deep cuts is also the name of the subscribers-only series) and now it’s here for public streaming.
i’ve practiced this mix a few times and while there are still things that i would want to perfect, i’m at the point where it’s better done than perfect. i can embrace the transitions and areas for improvements with more practice, but i felt that it was time to share this one. sometimes, you gotta just clear the cache and keep moving.
here’s deep cuts vol 1! for your streaming pleasure.
i also had a new article published about embracing sensitivity & recovering from the “Strong Black Woman” narrative. i’ll link that here for you to check out this weekend. happy friday!