welcome back to the newest edition of recollections — where a featured guest waxes poetic about some of their treasured collectibles and experiences. in this volume, i’d like to introduce you all to my friend Lauren Simpson, the writer behind the newsletter Sad Girl Nostalgia. we initially bonded over indie music and aesthetics from the late Aughties/2010s and i’m excited to shine a light on the work she’s doing. she’s graciously built us a “Sad Girl Starter Pack” for the season ahead. today’s also her birthday, so please show the post some love. happy birthday Lauren! without further ado, i’ll let her take it away!
Hi y’all! My name is Lauren and I am the voice behind Sad Girl Nostalgia. I’ve been a Sad Girl almost all my life. As early as kindergarten, I pondered more about life and its meaning rather than taking naps and playing with other kids. Extensional dread at age five? Yes, that was me.
Fast forward fifteen or so years and you had me at my Peak of Sadness, just in time for the days of Tumblr and sad indie music. Those were the days.
But that was then. Now in my thirties, I can honestly say that I am happier than ever, but I’m still a Sad Girl at heart. For this volume of things i collected, I’d love to take you through the essentials so you too can be a bonafide Sad Girl.
Firstly, no modern Sad Girl has ever existed without listening and praying at the altar of Ms. Lizzie Grant, better known as Lana Del Rey. Emerging on to the scene in 2011, her debut album, Born to Die, is a must and non-negotiable listen for any Sad Girl. I wrote the first edition of my newsletter about this album.
essential tracks: “Video Games,” “Born to Die,” “Summertime Sadness”
On the topic of music, Phoebe Bridgers is another go-to for me in the Sad Girl music department. Her latest album, Punisher, is a perfect pandemic/social isolation album. Any girl feeing alienated by people should listen to this album. I wrote about this album for the second edition of my newsletter.
essential tracks: “Moon Song, “Savior Complex, “I Know the End”
Onward to the topic of film. Sofia Coppola’s visually stunning 1999 film, The Virgin Suicides, is basically the blueprint for all things in the Sad Girl aesthetic. Pretty dresses? Check. Dreamy soundtrack? Check. Teenage girls in middle America in the ‘70s? Check, check. A Sad Girl’s mood board in 97 minutes.
Another good film for the Sad Girls is 2016’s The Love Witch. Elaine Parks is a witch who is obsessed with love but love doesn’t, well, love her back. She’s determined to use her magic to get what she wants. Sad Girls everywhere can relate to Elaine’s longing to true love. The film’s costume and set design aren’t bad to look at either. The Sad Girl in me rejoices at its ending. You’ll see.
There you have it: a Sad Girl Starter Pack of sorts. Big thanks to Shanté for giving me the opportunity to guest post! I really enjoyed creating my Sad Girl Essentials list for y’all. Have a Sad Girl Summer. 😥