do you tend to feel like you’re consistently on the verge of something but it’s also being dangled just outside of your reach? i can’t imagine that i’m alone in this feeling.
last fall, i attended a butterfly metamorphosis medicine meditation (whew, try repeating that phrase a few times) and the premise was finding stillness and acceptance in each phase of our personal metamorphosis. it’s been sitting with me ever since, as i find that cultivating patience is a daily practice in an amped-up world.
sometimes i miss the simpler days of being an endless daydreamer in my childhood bedroom with a sewing machine & bedazzler watching Project Runway, collecting magazines, and repurposing old clothes. that time before social constructs jaded my imagination and understanding of who i already knew i was.
but when i’m feeling nostalgic for a past self, i have to acknowledge a few things.
that self is still present within me, just evolved.
that my dreams and visions and possibilities are still endless (to paraphrase a good friend of mine, “the sky is only the beginning, not the limit.”)
how i’ve already accomplished things way beyond these adolescent dreams.
my multifaceted nature is attributed to all of the paths i’ve walked, not in spite of them.
i often reflect on how we are all computers and individual universes amongst ourselves, cataloguing information and textures and tastes to understand the world around us. to connect to a higher purpose that’s inevitably revealed to us along this process of finding (or returning) to ourselves.
i’ve had this message on my heart for the week and received it in confirmation in other spaces so i would like to share it here: know that when it’s your time, it’s fully yours and no one can take it from you. what’s for you won’t miss you because it’s already yours. but also know that it’s always your time because you’re here and that matters. honor who you currently are, who you’ve been, and where you’re going all at once.
this week, i made a decision to turn on paid subscriptions for this newsletter. if you’re already signed up and stay on the free plan, nothing is changing at the moment!
but for those who subscribe for a monthly or yearly plan, i will be offering collective intuitive & tarot readings, exclusive mixes, and previews of upcoming work. thank you for your support on this journey! happy weekend <3