i’m gonna be completely transparent: the mounting devastation i’ve witnessed as a result of the governmental snowstorm mishandling in Texas (on top of all the pandemic grief and seasonal depression) has left me feeling lethargic this week. i have so many ideas but not much energy to compose a ~brand new post~, so i’m revisiting some moodboards i created over the summer.
a few months back, i pitched an in-depth look at the fashion of the UPN/turn of millennium Black TV universe (literally ahead of the announcement that many of these shows would be streaming on Netflix, like someone hire me for timely & predictive cultural takes as i’m a consistent forecaster & tastemaker but i digress). however, due to the timeliness, it was condensed into a news piece and i’m grateful to further pursue the idea on this platform.
in that aforementioned published article, i briefly highlighted how the character Kim of Moesha and The Parkers was the most stylish sidekick — which is usually the case with best friend characters. even if they are not the most traditionally fashionable or chic, they often have more daring, eclectic, and nuanced taste than the main characters (i also just saw a hilarious tiktok about this trope with early 2000s characters).
i believe that the sidekick’s personal style is often more distinct and defined whereas the main character tends to be trendier (read: popular) — just look at the juxtaposition of Breanna and Spirit on One on One. this is not always the case, but very consistently you see this play out on screen.
so here, i return to those mini moodboards i composed months ago that interpreted how i think the main characters of Half & Half, Girlfriends, Moesha, and Sister, Sister would dress in modern times.
(Half & Half, varying costumer credits including Jennifer Bishop and Ceci)
eccentric, bohemian, counterculture
(Girlfriends, costumed by Stacy L. Beverly)
each character had their own distinct style but the overarching element was varying levels of conventional sexiness. yes, even Lynn’s bohemian rocker look had major sex appeal in my eyes!
(Sister, Sister — costumed by Ceci)
trendy, vibrant, eclectic
(costumed by Yolanda Braddy)
MO — on trend, minimal, Afrocentric (first season), preppy (every other season)
KIM — fashion-forward, unpredictable, quirky
even though i’ve briefly highlighted Kim Parker here, i want to do a part 2 of this series where i explore other secondary characters — including the sophisticated fashion of Lil’ Dee Dee on Half & Half and the off-kilter mystical outfits served by Spirit on One on One.
i’ll wrap this up by linking you to mutual aid efforts for folks in Texas (and if you are able to find individuals and families to support directly, please do so).
oh and here’s a mini Pisces season playlist because it’s that time! within the playlist are a couple of easter eggs for content i’ll be sharing next week. stay safe and lend a hand wherever you can, everyone!
(apple music | tidal)
love love love this concept!
And thank you for highlighting the aid effort— it’s so, so sad what people are dealing with in Texas 😞