today’s musings tie together all the loose ends from the month of April as we welcome in May. the flowers around my home have already started to blossom, the colors have become more lush, and butterfly sightings more abundant. the aural april playlist is simply a reflection of that — thematically, it’s an imaginative sonic adventure full of wanderlust. a soundtrack for a road trip, whether real or imagined.
it might be that “i just signed up for my own netflix account for the first time” energy talking, but there’s an art to song placement — allowing the right sentiment from a chord or lyric to perfectly amplify what’s being portrayed on screen. so much of my music discovery has been through films and television and it’s something i reflect on often. this is really the energy i bring to most of my playlists; i have an ongoing compilation in my personal collection that i consistently add to and refer back to when i’m conceptualizing around “main character energy” and associated elements. this will reveal itself one day.
in the meantime, here’s that end-of-month playlist for your streaming pleasure.
(apple music | tidal)
i’d also love to share this delightful new video and song from Dizzy Fae called “Body Move.” it’s a technicolor daydream and a projected dancefloor banger. enjoy!
p.s. the universe humbled me real quick as i was preparing to put this out at my usual time of 3:33 P.M. due to some faulty manufacturing, my laptop currently will not hold a charge. thankfully, i live with a computer wizard who was able to fit it in for some emergency surgery, but it is out of commission.
and here i was just yesterday thinking of all the cool stickers that have been lost to my laptop graveyard…now another one is trying to join that collection smh. hopefully, it will live on just long enough for me to save my files externally and work towards getting a new one. we’ll see!