on 1/11/21 at 1:11pm, i unveiled things i collected to the world. i’m happy to be celebrating 3 years of expressing myself by reflecting on some of the music, memories, and belongings that have sustained me. it’s been fulfilling to show up for myself creatively and i look forward to more years of it.
in honor of 3 years down, here’s what have i learned since i started this newsletter:
i’m more than capable of sustaining a long-term project
it’s not that i ever questioned this about myself. but i’ve experienced boredom and complacency with work before and i accept that everything has a timeline. yet i still think this is only the beginning for things i collected as a concept. i revisited my post for the first anniversary and some of the things i envisioned in 2022 are resurfacing for 2024.
some ideas need more space to breathe and grow
i have a lot of ideas! and while some of the reflections you’ve seen here have been spur of the moment based on immediate sparks of creativity, i have so many other ideas that will require more resources (don’t we all?). i’ve been building a long-form project that i’m excited about and that i thought would be ready for 2023. for many reasons, it just wasn’t the season. you’ll see soon enough.
i’m still figuring things out
because this is my brainchild and no one else’s, i have more flexibility to follow whims and take risks. and i do want to challenge myself more. which is why i did a voiceover for this post — it’s something i’ve wanted to do for quite some time. there’s going to be different aspects of myself that reveal themselves through this space as i continually embrace who i’ve always been.
if you’re reading (or listening to) this, you’re probably already subscribed and i thank you sincerely for that! i hope to expand the reach of the newsletter even more this year. so if you’d share things i collected with a friend or two, that would be amazing too.
that’s enough reflections for now, but be on the lookout for a new feature on a treasured collectible next week.
congratulations on three years! you are truly an inspiration ✨
Congrats on 3 years!!! Time flies when you’re having fun. Looking forward to more of these treats landing in my inbox for years to come 🥰✨